Graphic works

A graphic works collection from my school class

This is a collection of my graphic design works for my Design 2 class and Communication Design 2 class. Their topics are: gestalt creation, emphasis on saturation, emphasis on value and jazz posters.
Individual work

Graphic Design
Visual Design

Project Outcome

Urban Lights

This is a poster design about the gestalt, Urban Light in LACMA. I used a foggy purple as the main color of this project, which comes from the chaotic vibe of Los Angelos. I also exaggerated the scale and the light effect of this installation to better highlight the features of it.

Sky Walk

This is a piece with the emphasis on saturation. I drew the characters with a highly-saturated green to pop up the focus point. Besides, I wanted to convey a sense of confidence and braveness of the sky walkers by their posture and color.

The Angel

This is a piece with the emphasis on value. By using the light and shadow, I wanted to present a feeling of loniness and tranquility. This piece is based on a photography of the chair, and I collaged the angel and illustrated the light beam to it.
Due to the fact that the original resolution of this photo is low, I applied a mosaic effect to take advantage of it. I used smaller mosaic on the tint side because it usually means lightness and floating. While the shadow usually means heaviness.